Moulton Falls Trail
The first .5 mile of the trail is paved. After walking just a few hundred feet is a small creek crossed by a concrete decked steel bridge. The trail follows the stream for a couple hundred feet and turns to the right. There is a pond next to the end of the pavement with a picnic table and overlook of the pond. The pond is about 2 acres in size and surrounded by trees. The trail passes by on the south side of the pond with trees partially obscuring the pond. At the end of the second pond is a short user trail leading to a nice view of the pond.
The trail is wide, well maintained, and fairly level. Soon after the pond the trail parallels the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad for about .2 mile. It is a rare day to see any rail traffic. The railroad curves off to the left and crosses the Lewis River on a trestle. The rest of the trail follows the North Fork of the Lewis River about 75 feet above the river. This area of Clark County receives over 70 inches of precipitation each year and the understory of plants reflects this near rainforest climate. There is a large patch of Sour-Apple clover (Oxalis). Be sure to sample a couple of these woodland treats.
From the wooded trail there is an almost constant view of the river through the Alder and Cedar trees. The trail is perched for much of its remaining length about 1/3 up a steep slope. The trail passes by four more streams with one stream having a small waterfall. Though there is a road across the river, it is mostly hidden from view and hardly heard. You can see houses across the river from time to time but they aren’t very noticeable.
At 2 miles you’ll reach the junction for Bell’s Mountain Trail which is the continuation of the Chinook Trail. Turn right and head uphill on Bell’s Mountain Trail.