Chinook Trail Treadwork #1
national public lands day volunteer
national public lands day volunteer
national public lands day volunteer
national public lands day volunteer
(FULL) This is a shorter backcountry trip in partnership with Washington Trails Association. You must register for this trip on the WTA website and this work party may fill up […]
Join CTA and Friends of Road 4109. We will remove brush and young trees from the shoulders of Road 4109 to make room for a dump truck to reach the […]
Join CTA as we celebrate National Public Lands Day Sat, Sep 23, 2023 8:30am to 1:30pm. We will be brushing and adding some drain dips to the Chinook Trail above […]
Adding gravel to trails and installing corrals. RSVP to Barbara Thomas and include if you want lunch.
Back Country Horsemen of Washington and Washington Trail Riders Association are doing some spring cleaning. We will be meeting Saturday March 23rd at the Horse Camp which is on the […]
We gather at noon at the Ben's Bottle Shop in Vancouver at 8052 E Mill Plain Blvd #2002, Vancouver, Washington for lunch before the program. Parking is free. Arrive at […]
Volunteer to maintain a popular urban trail
Join Chinook Trail Association for the annual Pick Up The Burn in the Yacolt Burn State Forest. We will meet, pick up trash, and deposit it into a DNR provided […]
Join us on Saturday June 1st for a day of volunteering. Help us maintain our area trails. We will be providing sandwiches and soft drinks for lunch. Please let us […]